Videos & Notesheets

Please check the class calendar in Blackboard for the latest due dates!

Old Westbury Math 2320:
Calculus 2 - Integral Calculus

Course Professor: J. D'Ambroise

Many Thanks to the 2018 Notesheet Team!
Asad Imam     and     Jacob Jones

Welcome to class video

01 Video: Basic Graphs and Limits -- Notesheet 01
Book Chapters 1-2

02 Video: Derivatives & Anti-derivatives -- Notesheet 02
Book Chapter 3 and Section 4.9

03 Video: Definite Integrals & Riemann Sums -- Notesheet 03
Book Sections 5.1

04 Video: Definite Integrals using Geometry -- Notesheet 04
Book Sections 5.2

05 Video: Fundamental Theorem of Calculus -- Notesheet 05
Book Sections 5.3; Other Relevant Book Sections 5.4, 6.1

06 Video: Substitution -- Notesheet 06
Book Sections 5.5; Other Relevant Book Section 7.1

Exam 1 Packet: Notesheets 1-6 in a single PDF

----- Exam 1 here -----

07 Video: Areas between curves -- Notesheet 07
Book Section 6.2

08 Video: Volume by Slicing (a.k.a. by Disks and Washers) -- Notesheet 08
Book Section 6.3

09 Video: Volume by Shells (a.k.a. Cylinders) -- Notesheet 09
Book Section 6.4

10 Video: ArcLength and Surface Area of Rotation -- Notesheet 10
Book Sections 6.5-6.6

11 Video: Integration by Parts (IBP) -- Notesheet 11
Book Section 7.2

----- Exam 2/Midterm here (cumulative) -----

12 Video: Trigonometric Integrals (Integrating Powers of Trig Functions) -- Notesheet 12
Book Section 7.3

13 Video: Trigonometric Substitution -- Notesheet 13
Book Section 7.4

14 Video: Partial Fraction Decomposition (PFD) -- Notesheet 14
Book Section 7.5

15 Video: Improper Integrals -- Notesheet 15
Book Section 7.8

16 Video: Intro to Sequences and Series -- Notesheet 16
Book Sections 8.1-8.2, 8.4

17 Video: 3 Series Types: Geometric Series, Telescoping Series, & Integral Test -- Notesheet 17
Book Sections 8.3-8.4

----- Exam 3 here (non-cumulative) -----

18 Video: P-Series and Comparison Tests -- Notesheet 18
Book Sections 8.4-8.5

19 Video: Alternating Series Test & Ratio and Root Tests -- Notesheet 19
Book Sections 8.5-8.6

20 Video: Power Series -- Notesheet 20
Book Section 9.2

21 Video: Taylor Series -- Notesheet 21
Book Sections 9.1, 9.3-9.4

----- Final Exam (cumulative) -----

Creative Commons License
Notesheets Project by Prof. J. D'Ambroise & The Notesheets Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.